Honeymoon Discussions


Hey ladies anyone going to Ireland?  If so, did you get any kind of good deals?  Just checking, we were quoted $2900, and didn't know if that was a lot of not.  Thanks ladies :).

Re: Ireland

  • You might want to provide a little bit more information. $2900 for what? How long? Does it include food?
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  • Now it's $1182 for Accomodations and car.  That includes taxes.  We would wait a bit to see if airfare went down any and book at a later date.  There's no guarantees on that tho.  This doesn't include food or anything.  Actually the accodations is B&B vouchers to stay at any B&B you want while traveling, so I'm thinking Breakfast will be provided.  What do you think?
  • I should've mentioned it's for 6 days 5 nights.
  • Doesn't sound too bad to me.  I'm signed up with Aer Lingus and get emails when there are sales so you may want to do that - and maybe sign up with travelocity as well.  When are you traveling? 
  • BTW - I see now you're getting married May 21.  If you're traveling before June 1st then the prices shouldn't be AS high.  June 1st starts peak season for travel.
  • We did it all ourselves (no package or tour), and B&Bs were about 60-80 euro/night. The car rental... I honestly forget what that was, but we used Hertz, so if you go on their site you can see what they charge, add it all up, and see if it makes sense. For more info & recs, stuff to see, where to stay, my honeymoon blog & some photos are in my bio.
  • That doesn't sound too bad, but I've seen better deals.  If you sign up for travelzoo.com's newsletter, they'll send you their top 20 travel deals every week and they usually have something for Ireland.  I've seen package prices as low as $300 per person. 
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  • Go to Galway! It's my favorite city over there.
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  • I was there about 10 years ago and we stayed in B&B's they always did have huge Irish breakfasts (eggs, meat, toast and cereal) which was great.
  • We booked with a US tour operator for 6 days/5 nights, car, one night in Dublin, one night in hotel, and the rest in B & Bs for $590 pp. We're waiting for airfare sales in Dec or Jan before we book flights.  We're flying into Shannon. It'll be the week of St. Patrick's Day festival and I think we got a great deal on the rates!  Love our tour operator!  She's been super helpful!  They've even been great negotiating the rate!    
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