I had a dream last night that still has me mad and I'm not sure why....
You all know I work Animal Rescue and I am highly attached to my German Shepherd, Bella. Well in this dream, I walk out the door with Bella into our back yard, and part of my fence has been torn down, there is some strange woman in my yard with her dog on a leash, but the dog is almost convulsing and excessive drooling, there is another person standing about 5 feet away from her just watching, I grab bella quick and start yelling, asking the woman why is she in my yard, get her dog out of my yard before my girl get's sick. She looks at me and goes, "I'm killing dogs in your yard, and Bella is next" I pushed bella back into the house and had a stand off with this woman, litterally I have my 45 in my hand and I'm aiming it at her, telling her she has to go before I call the police, about 2 minutes later the cops walk thru my house and out my back door....make me go inside...then I hear another gun shot, one cop comes in and tells me to keep a close eye on Bella today....I then got woke up hearing Bella cry b'/c she had to go out....I scanned my entire yard before I opened the door...now I am paranoid--it had me so rattled, and I still am.