
NWR Rehab Centers

Does anyone know of a short term (around 30 days or so) Rehab Center (Drug & Alcohol) near the Avon area? Trying to help my friend find a good place for her sister. TIA!

ETA: Alliance Rehab in Avon seems to have a disconnected phone number so that is apparently out of the question.

Re: NWR Rehab Centers

  • I'm really sorry your friend is going through this!  I would call local mental health clinics and counselors in the area to see their recommendations.  I know my Aunt works in RI, and she has strong opinions on which places are worth it and which aren't.

    Sorry I don't have specific information!



  • That is still helpful, thank you!
  • kls114kls114 member
    Tenth Anniversary 5000 Comments 5 Love Its Combo Breaker
    Sorry your friend is dealing with this.

    You may also want to check with local hospitals as well. GL!
    **Password: kls114**
  • There are all types of places in Hartford- try Rushford (in Meriden)...they're a pretty popular place. If you're willing to take a drive Natchaug in Windham also has a drug program. I might be able to help you better with specifics, feel free to PM me and I can see what I can do to help you locate a place..
  • It's really going to depend on what the person's needs are.  There are about 10 places in the state that have varying degrees of detox/rehab.  It will also depend of if she needs a 3-5 day detox before going to a rehab.  If she's detoxing off alcohol or benzos (ativan, xanax, clonapin) she'll need medical care first and then to transition to rehab.  Rushford in Middletown has both.  ADRC in hartford can do it.  And St Francis in Hartford if you go through the ER.  There's Lebanon Pines and Silver Hills which are great but pricey.  I work in the ER crisis unit and when we get calls about rehab, we usually refer people to call the number on the back of their insurance card because they will be able to be the most helpful.  There are a couple facilities that will take someone without insurance.  You can also call 211 to find the rest of the names of the facilities.  She should call them directly because they will want to hear from her and do a phone interview because "getting into rehab is like getting into college", the person has to show they want it and that they are committed to treatment.  Hope this helps!

    You might also encourage your friend to attend an al-anon meeting which is for families of those with addictions.  Helps family members learn to cope and what can be helpful vs. hurtful etc.  It's an awful thing for a family member to watch.
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  • Ditto what bmetz34 says. I'm a Licensed Clinical Social Worker and I work with this sort of thing everyday. Calling the places is very important.  Feel free to PM me and I will be happy to give you more info depending upon what your friend's needs are.

    Best of luck.  Addiction is a very strong disease that is difficult to treat. And it is so hard to see a loved one go through it.
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