
Waveny Castle

Any one get married at Waveny in New Canaan ? If so any information and a reasonable caterrer would be appreciated.  I have to decide hall or mansion. which way
do i go?  mother of the bride.

Re: Waveny Castle

  • starrbuk13starrbuk13 member
    edited December 2011
    i dont have any info on Waveny, but i can recommend my caterer to you.  she was fabulous!

    she's out of Torrington, and her name is Jill Nicolson.  Her website is
  • Mags0321Mags0321 member
    First Comment
    edited December 2011
    A friend hosted her reception at Waveny a few years back and it was really nice.  She also had it catered by Barcelona (Stamford, Norwalk, New Haven).  The only concern is, if you are having a summer wedding, the location is not air conditioned.  She rented fans and was fortunate enough to have a very cool evening in August.  But, in general, it is a really nice location for a wedding!
  • does anyone have any contact informaiton for this site? I am also trying to look into this site, but I cant find out any wedding price information on it
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