

Hi Ladies, I just need a second to complain/freak out...

So, I decided to do a certificate program online leading up until my wedding. My quarter ends 12/16, and my next one starts 1/8 and ends 3/16, wedding is 4/14. I know the months leading up to the wedding are typically pretty busy, so I'm thinking I'm  nuts to attempt school and full time work...anyways, I was just thinking and I feel overwhelmed. There's tons left for me to do, my life is consumed by work & school with very little time for anything else at this point (trying to have some free time on weekends)...I feel like no matter how hard I try, I just can't get organized!

I'm excited, so excited and cannot wait for April...I know if stuff goes wrong, oh well, I'm marrying my best friend...but did you guys/are you guys keeping sane/all your thoughts organized? I have a binder but I feel like I make list upon list upon list....and never feel accomplished.

Rant over. Registering this weekend, HAPPY!

Re: Overwhelmed...

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    edited December 2011
    I make list upon list too...just keep making them and crossing things off... and keep all the previous lists... it will make you feel so much better, promise! :)
    imageWedding Countdown Ticker
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    edited December 2011
    I think you are amazing to be tackling so much at one time! It might seem overwhelming now, but think how you'll feel when April rolls around. :)
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    edited December 2011
    I'm April too, the 28th to be exact. I keep everything in an Excel document and work on one thing at a time. I've found that to be the most effective. Right now I'm working on invitations, after that rehearsal dinner and then on down the line. I was starting to feel overwhelmed when I had too many things going at once so my advice is to pick one thing to work on, give yourself a deadline you want it done (I usually work on it for about two weeks) and then move on to the next. Also, ask for help!
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    Amanda1443994Amanda1443994 member
    First Anniversary 5 Love Its First Comment
    edited December 2011
    I totally understand how you feel. I also work full time and I am going to grad school part time...all while planning a wedding and building a house! It is def. overwhelming at times but to keep sane I made a list of everything that needs to be done and I tackle one item at a time. Each month I set myself goals (ex. find a florist, book hotel block), and I try not to look ahead at the next month's tasks. It has worked so far (:
    "Judging a person does not define who they are. It defines who you are."
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    calindicalindi member
    First Anniversary Combo Breaker First Comment
    edited December 2011
    I have one Excel spreadsheet on Google Docs and one folder on my computer for copies of contracts, inspiration images, etc.  It keeps everything centralized and easily accessible and organized.  I also have a folder on my Gmail for all correspondence related to the wedding so I can see at a glance what's going on or has happened.

    My Excel spreadsheet has everything - my guest list (separated into my family, my friends, mutual friends, his friends, his family), all addresses, the preferred titles for addressing the envelopes for each (Dr. and Mrs. So-and-So, children on invitation vs. getting their own, etc.) so I can easily mail-merge my invitations and print them off when the time comes.  I'm using it for save-the-dates, too, and it's super easy.  The next tab has my budgets, broken down into per-item costs and has columns for estimated and actual, and indicates how much additional per-head (it also will automatically update total guests attending as I click a certain button the guest list page to indicate how many are coming once I start getting RSVPs next summer.  For now, I estimate using the total number).

    The next tab has a rough seating chart, though I know that will change depending on who is or isn't coming.  I just felt like it, though I know it's probably a waste of time at this point.

    The next tab is our music list - important songs (processional, recessional, entrance, first dance, father/daughter dance, last dance), songs that must be played at some point (and when - pre-ceremony, cocktail hour, dinner, or dancing), songs that we like and would like to hear but don't HAVE to hear, and the do-not-play list.

    The next tab is our must-take pictures list, divided down by Things, Bride & Groom, Family, Moments, and Guests.  I'll also put them in roughly cronological order (pre-ceremony, first look, ceremony, posed photos, cocktail hour, reception).  I also want to put headshots of important family members in a print out for our photographers to make it easier to identify key people.

    The next tab is a list of things to accomplish in cronological order and when it has to be done by and who has to do it (me, FI, both of us, or someone else, like my parents).

    The next tab is a hodge-podge thinking pot of ideas - table names, decoration ideas, etc.

    I know it's all a bit crazy, but it's kept me very sane and focused.  If anyone wants it, I'm happy to send it along (minus the personal information, but all the formats in place for the budgeting and guestlist).



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    rswan412rswan412 member
    First Comment
    edited December 2011
    Thanks so much ladies! I think I just needed to whine....I decided to take Friday off of work to get organized and get things done around the house, and take care of a bunch of small things I've been avoiding.
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