
Ceremony help!

I need some help...
My job has temporally re-assigned me to northern MA for work for an unknown period of time (first it was a week, then 3, then July 10th, now July 31st)  I am working 7 days a week including holidays.  Good money, but bad when your wedding is August 14th! 
FI & I's original plan was to write our own ceremony & vows, but now with me working crazy non-stop hours, I know we don't have the time for that.  Can anyone recommend a website, book, anything to help us come up with a ceremony & vows?  I have tried google, and usually google is my friend, but everything that I have found is a religious ceremony and we don't want that. 
I really thought we were doing great with the planning before this re-assignment, I feel like I am so behind now!  I have 51 days to go!

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