Thanks for the PSA Kim! Flip flop sale was a success! I purchased them in groups of five from thurs/fri then went back with FI to get a price reduction. I won't tell you what we went through for 25 flip flops...bridal craziness! O.k., I will....FI lives in Derby, I live in Wallingford. So it was quite easy for us to hit up 3 stores (Trumbull, Milford, Meriden) with our receipts...yes..we went to 3 old navys today. I'll tell you, they were not enforcing the 5 per customer rule at Trumbull, it made me kind of mad, and jealous. FI was such a trooper! Surviving the flip flop sale for your woman should be the ultimate FI test!
Anyway, for those doing the many flip flops are you purchasing in relation to expected number of female guests?
We are expecting about 100 ish ladies. I'm thinking 50 flip flops? About 6 size 6 and size 10, and the rest 7/8/9. Too many, too little?