
Woodwinds brides having ceremony on site

I was wondering how brides arrive at the ceremony when getting married outside, on site.
Obviously there are no doors..does everyone just watch you come from the building? It seems like there is no build up?

Re: Woodwinds brides having ceremony on site

  • We are getting married at the waterfall.  I believe you walk through the front doors and around the building.  My DJ said it's a fairly long walk.

  • My friend got married by the waterfall last October...she came out of the building through the front door and walked is a relatively long walk, but you are not seen for the majority of it. As guests we could see the bride waiting at the side of the building as the final bm entered but i don't feel like it ruined the "moment" at warned though, the walk was quite muddy the day we were there (day after a rainstorm). I don't want to give you something else to worry about but if I were my friend I probably would have discussed having the walkway cleaned off prior to the ceremony :)
  • she18she18 member
    10 Comments First Anniversary
    In Response to <a href=" Wedding BoardsForum:65Discussion:f7bc9d78-8de0-4eb1-92c9-8c32dc305ef8Post:043e01b9-3c72-4276-a5d0-e8b51b340f57">Re: Woodwinds brides having ceremony on site</a>:
    [QUOTE]My friend got married by the waterfall last October...she came out of the building through the front door and walked is a relatively long walk, but you are not seen for the majority of it. As guests we could see the bride waiting at the side of the building as the final bm entered but i don't feel like it ruined the "moment" at warned though, the walk was quite muddy the day we were there (day after a rainstorm). I don't want to give you something else to worry about but if I were my friend I probably would have discussed having the walkway cleaned off prior to the ceremony :)
    Posted by emalee2285[/QUOTE]

    I will be getting married in front of the willow thats why I wonder how that works..
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