Hey all! My FI and I were thinking a very low-key honeymoon somewhere in the States.. But when we priced Charleston or Savannah it was almost worth it to fly to an AI somewhere. We are wanting to stay around 3,000ish.
I have been looking and looking online at different resorts and decided that I love Jamica! Upon looking at what Jamica has to offer- I ran across the Couples Resorts. They are all just so beautiful! We wanted to go on a lot of excusrions like Dunns River Falls/ Catermeran Ride/ Glass Bottom Boat/ Get the Honeymoon package... and at these resorts ALL of that is included in the price! It was so wonderful to know it really would be AI.
After looking at the different ones, we decided we liked Couples Tower Isle and Couples Swept away.
Does anyone have any experience at either of these resorts?! If so, do you mind sharing? Want to make sure there is no trick;)
Thank You for your help