First, I apologize in advance if I have a few large pictures under this post (not sure if I still do until I actually post this).. they've been there for years and I don't remember how to edit them/take them out.
We are getting married on September 10th (so soon!) and we will be flying for the first time for our honeymoon. We are flying from PA to HI (we will be stopping in AZ along the way).
Any advice or tips? Anything I should know? I feel a lot of anxiety considering I have no idea what to do when we get to the airport or how everything works with boarding the plane, etc. We will be landing in Phoenix and I will also be clueless once we get there, but I guess I can just ask someone what to do.
A girl I work with told me that you don't always get the overhead bin for your carry-on bags. I also read something online about different zones control who boards first, and that checking-in online beforehand should mean that I can board earlier than people who check-in at the airport (unless they are first class or a preferred member).
I've read about the liquid rule for carry-on's so that shouldn't be an issue.
Can we bring snack foods on board? I think I read that regular drinks are complimentary. Not sure if I read that on the US Airways website... but I know I saw it somewhere.
A friend of mine told me to bring our own ear buds because they charge you to use theirs! Good to know.
I literally know next to nothing about flying, so anything you would like to share would be appreciated!
Thank you!