Florida-Central Florida

1 month, and lots of checks!

OH EM GEE.....1 month to go!! >.<

I'm ready for this wedding to be over so I can stop having stress nightmares about linens and food! hahah.

Lots of checks recently:
FI's suit picked out and purchased
rings purchased
veil complete
rehearsal dinner site chosen
dress alterations in the works
favors purchased, and tags printed
decor about....95% complete

RSVP deadline and Bridal shower next weekend! Yay!!
Things are slowly falling into place...can't wait for that honeymoon!!! =)

Re: 1 month, and lots of checks!

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    edited December 2011
    That is awesome!  I am not far behind you and feel you about the stress nightmares.
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    edited December 2011
    Haha, I keep having the strangest dreams.

    One of the more recent ones was me showing up to the wedding...in normal, everyday clothes for some reason...and the wedding had been moved to some grocery store warehouse at the last minute...WTF.
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    edited December 2011
    ahhh you are so lucky to almost be done! I have 192 days left to go. Im already stressed out about paying things off. It just keeps adding up. I hate it.

    Being Engaged: =)
    Planning a Wedding:  =(
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    edited December 2011
    ahhh that's awesome!!! I'm 297 days away!!! I know it's going by soooo fast that's why i'm trying to get as much done now!!! I'm already having strange dreams so I can only imagine how they will be 1 month away!!
    June 2011 Siggy- Me and my MOH (my sister)
    Image and video hosting by TinyPic Wedding Countdown Ticker
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