So I booked our cake several months ago & have been trying to contact our baker since mid July with a question. I got a few emails bounced back, a few that went through... but no response to ANY of them. I finally sent a final email about 2 weeks ago saying that we NEED to hear a response as we're getting concerned. No response. So we've tried calling... no answer and her voicemail is full. So tonight we're heading down to her shop... but I doubt it will be open since it's only open by appointment. I'm just trying to figure out if she's still in business! Her website is up and running & I haven't heard anything about it being closed. We're less than 6 months out now & I need to know if we're going to have to book someone else... which at this point I'm thinking we'll want to do regardless, even if she is still in business, she's not very reliable. I payed her through paypal for our deposit... does anyone know if I can dispute it through them? I know you can if you buy something on ebay...
AHHHHHHH! So annoying! lol Just had to vent.