Florida-Central Florida

Rehearsal attendees?

This might be a dumb question...Who all is supposed to be invited to the wedding rehearsal and dinner? Obviously the wedding party (and im assuming their dates/spouses?) and parents. If parents are divorced, do you invite just mom and dad...or mom, dad, and each of their significant others? Are brothers and sisters in the mix? ....Grandparents? ...gah! No idea....

Re: Rehearsal attendees?

  • edited December 2011
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  • andee1353andee1353 member
    edited December 2011
    According to emily Post:
    "Who is invited?  The guest list at a rehearsal dinner should include the members of the wedding party, the officiant, parents, and grandparents of the bride and groom, and any siblings of the bride and groom who are not in the wedding party.  If the bride and/or groom have stepparents, they are invited with their spouses, but should not be seated next to their former spouses.  The wedding party's husbands, wives, fianceés, fiancés, and live-in companions should be invited, but dates are not included.  Any children of the bride and groom from a previous marriage also attend, unless they are too young.  The flower girls and ring bearer may be included, unless the hour or formality makes it difficult for them to attend."

    Just remember, it's the groom's parents party so they can make any adjustments they want.
  • edited December 2011
    I think we are going to invite the bridal party (obviously), their significant others and our parents. 

    I have also heard that you should invite any out of town guests as well.  I don't know how true that is but in our case that would be half the guests.
  • edited December 2011
    In Response to <a href="http://forums.theknot.com/Sites/theknot/Pages/Main.aspx/local-wedding-boards_florida-central-florida_rehearsal-attendees?plckFindPostKey=Cat:Local%20Wedding%20BoardsForum:66Discussion:7a6de6bb-0d91-4729-a65a-8f9dbde134a8Post:998a1082-3ef0-4a75-8b63-ae08c98188ea">Re: Rehearsal attendees?</a>:
    [QUOTE]I think we are going to invite the bridal party (obviously), their significant others and our parents.  I have also heard that you should invite any out of town guests as well.  I don't know how true that is but in our case that would be half the guests.
    Posted by Megs30[/QUOTE]

    Haha, yeah 98% of our guests are out of towners.

    Thats what I was thinking though....BP, sig others, and parents. I don't feel the need to have 30 ppl at the rehearsal if we only have two ppl in our bridal party. Haha.

    Thanks all!
  • sarah42ndsarah42nd member
    edited December 2011
    personally I want to keep it fairly small and simple. If I invite every OOT guest I would just have a whole bunch of  people there hanging out and  talking while were trying to figure things out. I am doing parents, Maybe GPs, BPs and spouses, andKids of BP .
  • edited December 2011
    I totally disagree with inviting OOT guests, just because they're coming in from OOT. How do you explain that to other relatives or friends that live close by? Oh, Aunt Sue is invited but Aunt Debbie isn't, just because she's from Nebraska. Most people coming in will know someone else they can spend the evening with. If not, provide them with ideas of things to do. If it were up to me, I vote parents, wedding party members (& their significant others, assuming they're not just picking up a date for the evening), & minister/wife if they choose to come.
  • edited December 2011
    You don't necessarily have to invite out of town guests.  I only mentioned that because I thought I had heard that said in the past.  And again I said I don't know how true that is.
  • BananaMustangBananaMustang member
    edited December 2011
    I think it just depends on your preference....For example, we are having BP, their dates and parents....But I was in in a wedding that was a destination wedding that had people coming from not only other states but other countries....so their rehearsal dinner was literally for anyone who was in town the night before the wedding. That being said, they had a bbq at the cottage they were renting instead of having a more formal dinner that would cost more....
  • edited December 2011
    Ok, cool. Thanks for the input everyone! I wasn't sure if there was a particular line up or not. So its good to know that the rules are a little lenient. Thanks so much! =)
  • edited December 2011
    Rules are lienant. If the grooms parents are paying for it, it is kinda up to them, though it should be fair.  To the actual ceremony rehersal it is tradiontally all who are in the wedding party including, parents, grandparents, groomsmen/bridesmaid, groom/bride, and any flower girl/ring boy.  To the rehersal dinner of course the wedding party is invited and then also their spouses or long time known significant others if in town. I also agree that it is nice to incude aunts and uncles if they are close to you.  I have heard of inviting OOT guest and have been to weddings where this was the case but definitely isn't a strick rule. 

    Hope this helps
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