Florida-Central Florida

Sparkler help!

We are doing sparklers for our exit from the reception...  do I want 20" or 36" sparklers!?  We have approx 180 guests. 
Help!  :)

Re: Sparkler help!

  • andee1353andee1353 member
    edited December 2011
    The cost difference between the two is huge. We went with 20's. The Favor Shop has good prices on both sizes. I honestly think for the price difference the 20's are fine unless your budget is unlimited!
  • edited December 2011
    20" was sufficient for our wedding - except for my intoxicated aunt who managed to burn her hand. EricaK found a website where you could get them pretty cheaply, but I don't remember the website. You could probably look through the older posts and find it. It was from a week or two ago, I think.
  • edited December 2011
    I ordered mine from the website Erica found. I got the 20" ones bc of the price and everyone seems to say they are long enough. We prob will have the same problem with a few of our guests that Alyssa had (drunk guests, esp since FI and I are young and have young friends) but its their own fault bc they are drunk and won't remember in the morning! haha
  • edited December 2011
    MLH, just as our DOC was organising everyone for the sparkler sendoff, this particular aunt came over to say what a great time she was having - she talks a lot, so I told her she'd better go get lit. She says "I think I already am!" 
  • andee1353andee1353 member
    edited December 2011
    PP that's so funny! My Great Aunt jumped in our pool fully clothed with her hearing aid in and shoes on at my high school graduation! She was "lite" for sure!! LOL!
  • ericak926ericak926 member
    Tenth Anniversary 100 Comments
    edited December 2011
    Erica to the rescue!

    A 20" sparkler will burn for about 1.5 to 2 minutes and a 36" burns up to 4 mins. The price for the 36" is more than double the price. The cheapest 36" sparklers I found were $1.19 a piece compared to the 20" sparkler at $0.40 a piece. You could always gi ve everyone (2) 20" sparklers if you are worried about the time but I think 1.5 minutes are fine, just hussle. =)

    The two cheapest places I've found for 20" sparklers is www.thefavorshop.com and www.candlesandsuch.com.

    They both have a minimum order of 108 sparklers (18 packs of 6 sparklers). Favor Shop is running at $0.40 a sparkler with free shipping and Candles And Such is $0.42. They are running a 10% off special.

    I recommend adding the items to your cart with shipping costs and see which one comes out cheaper for you. I had to order mine from Candles and Such because The Favor Shop was closed last week and wouldn't ship them until this week and because I am getting married in 10 days (Yes, 10 =)  ) I didn't want to cut it that close. There was a $3 difference in the two for me so it wasn't a huge deal.

    Good Luck!
  • lcruselcruse member
    First Comment
    edited December 2011
    Thanks Erica! So much help... we will just go with the 20" and good idea, I may hand out a few extra throughout the line just in case... but yes, we will hustle  :)  Where is your big day and congrats on being 10 days out! 
  • ericak926ericak926 member
    Tenth Anniversary 100 Comments
    edited December 2011
    Thanks and Casa Feliz! You can check out all my stuff at: http://ericaandchad.weebly.com
  • edited December 2011
    Alyssa- That is too funny!
    Andee- Hilarious!

    I hope I have great stories like that to tell me kids later on!!!! That is just so much fun to me!
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