Florida-Central Florida

Wedding Insurance??

Is this something that is common here?  I know everything I have read has talked about it, but I am not familiar with anyone actually doing it.  Is this something that I should be looking into?

Re: Wedding Insurance??

  • edited December 2011
    I am actually an insurance underwriter, and I write quite a few Special Event/Wedding policies. Honestly, I think that most people get them because of a venue requirement. I personally would think that the liquor liability is the biggest thing to be concerned about. If someone were to happen to drink too much at the wedding and then cause an accident, there's a good likelihood the victim's family may try to sue you. Of course the vendor who was actually serving should be covered and before you in the line of responsibility, but people can be very litigious and sometimes end up going after everyone. I don't know if I will purchase for my own wedding if I'm not required... I hope that none of my guests would be likely to sue me! On the other hand, there are some factors out of our control.
  • jmucheech21jmucheech21 member
    First Comment
    edited December 2011
    Interesting, thanks for that!!  I don't remember reading anything in my contract about being required to have it, so maybe mine doesn't require.. like you, I would hope that none of my family or friends would sue me, haha, but I guess strange things happen!!!
  • ssj2ssj2 member
    First Comment
    edited December 2011
    I am required to have it.  I believe wedsafe.com is a good one & relatively inexpensive if you want to get it.
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