Florida-Central Florida

Any good Sanford Airport Shuttles to Cocoa Beach Area?

I'm wondering if anyone knows any decent Shuttles that Go to Cocoa Beach (Hilton Oceanfront?) Destination wedding planning starting early for my May '13 wedding and we have people from all over flying in and my Fiance and I are accomodating the guests by covering the shuttle. I looked up a few but some weren't clear on if it was from SAN or MCO to Cocoa! Looking to spend no more than $300 roundtrip.
Thanks in Advance!

Re: Any good Sanford Airport Shuttles to Cocoa Beach Area?

  • edited December 2011
    Why do you want to use Sanford? I never use that airport, I think it is mainly for smaller planes and business travelers maybe?

    I think most people use Orlando Airport MCO. But closer to Cocoa Beach is going to be Melbourne airport MLB. Then just get a rental car or see if the hotel will shuttle people. That would maybe take like 30 minutes to Cocoa Beach or so.

    Use MLB or MCO in my opinion.
  • edited December 2011
    My Fiance aren't using sanford, our guests are. We Have an Allegiant Air here i SHreveport and to accomodate our guests some are flying via Allegiant.
  • edited December 2011
    Are they all arriving at the same time? All the prices I see are quoted for MCO.

    That's really generous of you to cover the costs. Could you and your FI just ride out and pick them up? That would be a lot cheaper.

    Cocoa Beach Shuttle (cbshuttle.com) charges $110 for eight people one way for MCO, and Sanford is further, so it would probably be more, but that might fit your budget with round-trip and tip. Do you have more than 8 ppl?

  • edited December 2011
    yes we're at abput 25 right now for my side of the family...
    not paying flight cost for everyone, some wanted to book their own with their frequent flyer miles:)
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