Florida-Central Florida

Standing Chalkboard

I'm looking for a standing chalkboard to have outside the boat we're getting married on.  Don't want to spend too much and thought I could rent it but cannot find available.  Any ideas?

Re: Standing Chalkboard

  • edited December 2011
    I'm pretty sure that IKEA has easels that are either chalk or dry erase boards... I cant remember which. that might be an option. 

    Also, they sell chalkboard paint, so if you find a frame or something that is the right size, you can pain a board to fit in it. 
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  • edited December 2011
    Yup, IKEA has them in the kids section for $15. Is it sad that I know that? In my defense I was there yesterday. They're kind of short though. 
  • sarah42ndsarah42nd member
    edited December 2011
    I agree with PP. You can also find  chalkboards at walmart, target, toysrus . They have some plain ones that are pretty cheap then you can either return it when you are done or you could sell it on craigslist to make your money back .  Target has these chalkboard decals that are kind of cool. You can attach them to wood or something like that. http://www.target.com/s?keywords=chalkboard&searchNodeID=1038576|1287991011&ref=sr_bx_1_1&x=0&y=0

     Chalk paint is fairly cheap too.
  • edited December 2011
    Super, thanks so much!
  • edited December 2011
    Love chalkboards! I just launched an Etsy store called Love, Boma where I am selling customized chalkboards in beautiful decorative frames. Check them out at http://www.etsy.com/shop/LoveBoma

    Thank you!
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