Outdoor Weddings

Worried about no Inside Access... Please help

Ok so here's my question. We are planning an outdoor ceromony and reception at a hunting lodge remotely located in the woods.  The only thing is that the lodge is small and has some really collectalbe and expensive stuff in it (but we LOVE the outside look for our wedding) so I was wondering would it be bad to completely lock down the lodge and not allow anyone into it for the entire event ( absolutly no inside access of any kind)?? ( Side notes: the wedding is in late Sept in South Alabama, I would have fans set up if need be so people could cool off and would also have rental bathroom facilities) Would this be ok or should I come up with a different plan.

Re: Worried about no Inside Access... Please help

  • I think if you have GOOD bathroom facilities (the ones on a trailer, that flush, with hand washing facilities... not the blue portopotties), then keeping the lodge on lockdown isn't a big deal. 
  • How hot is it in Alabama that time of year? I would be inclined to say anything over 75-80, you would want an inside area to cool off.
  • What is your back up plan in case of rain?
  • Avion22Avion22 member
    2500 Comments 5 Love Its
    edited May 2012
    Is there any way you can open up access to some areas (bathroom area, and maybe a small area with a few chairs for people to cool off), but keep the rest of the lodge "off limits"?  Maybe you could rope those areas off and put up signs or something ("No unauthorized personnel beyond this point").  You could easily make it seem like your contract doesn't allow access to the areas with the collectibles and fragile items.  

    But yeah, if there are nice bathrooms in the lodge, I'd use thoe.  Even a few minutes in a cool hallway can keep people from getting overheated.
  • Is this lodge a family home?  Or are you renting it?  If it's a rented venue you should be able to pay a damage deposit to cover anything that might get broken.  I like the suggestion about "No unauthorized personnel beyond this point" if there is an area that's particularly filled with breakable stuff.   I don't like the idea of a total lockdown. 

    I think if you keep the music, food, and bar outside that you shouldn't have much of an issue (if any) of people going into the lodge for a few minutes to freshen up. 
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