Outdoor Weddings

Wedding in Puerto Rico

Hi All,
My fiance and I have decided to wed in Puerto Rico.  The requirements seem a bit much, so I'd like to know if any of you have wed in PR?  If so, what was the process like?

Re: Wedding in Puerto Rico

  • In addition to posting here, you might have more luck posting on the Destination Weddings board, which is under "Wedding Theme Boards" on the left hand side.

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  • The requirements are intense.  But, please don't marry in PA (or wherever you are from) and then "recreate" your wedding in Puerto Rico because it's easier.  Either choose a place you're cool with the requirements or tell your guests straight up that your destination wedding is a re-enactment.  I say this as someone who picked an island that she and her husband could legally be married on easily (Bermuda) and as a guest to a fake Puerto Rico wedding recently...
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