Outdoor Weddings

Outdoor unity candle?

FI and I want to do a unity candle, but I'm not sure about doing it outdoors.  I'm worried that wind will blow the candles out during the ceremony.  I thought about putting them in hurricanes, but then we'll have to lift the glass to get to the candles, and I'm pretty sure I'll be shaky.  Any ideas?  (And we don't want to do the sand ceremony, thanks)

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Re: Outdoor unity candle?

  • how about wine??
  • Huh?  How will wine keep a candle from blowing out?

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  • Tritine1Tritine1 member
    First Comment
    edited February 2012
    If just the ceremony is outside, consider lighting the unity candle at the reception instead... maybe before your first dance. 
  • We were afraid of the same thing and opted for a wine box ceremony instead. I am so glad that we did it-- it had a bunch of people tearing up! I wrote out a thing for the officiant to say about the symbolism of wine and how people have used it for centuries to seal bonds and convenants with one another. H and I each wrote letters to each other and we put them, along with a bottle of wine, into a box. Each year on our anniversary we will open the wine, read the letters, and then add 2 new letters and a new bottle. By the time we are old we will have a treasury of letters.
  • medusia00medusia00 member
    2500 Comments Fifth Anniversary
    edited February 2012
    If you want to do candles, You will need to make sure the flame will be out of the wind... maybe keep each one in a separate vase?
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  • I was in the same boat as far as not wanting the flame blowing out and not wanting to do the sand, either. I recommend doing some more research on unity ceremonies (your officiant may have alternative recommendations.) I finally decided to do a Celtic oathing stone. If you're set on the candle though, maybe just do the one unity candle with a very wide hurricane/vase and use long lighting matches instead of individual candles.
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  • H and I had a unity candle at our outdoor ceremony and it worked out without any issues. 
  • I didn't think about  this....
    Daisypath Wedding tickers
  • I'm in the same position wanting a unity candle ceremony outdoors for my wedding too. One suggestion I heard was using a fancy aquarium to hold all candles and to have an oil candle already lit inside so we don't have to fumble with any lighters or matches.
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