Outdoor Weddings

Wedding Venue Dilemma

I live in Mansfield Ohio and I really dont want to have 
people travel over an hour away for my wedding. 

Does anyone else know of any places in Mansfield to get married?
Ive looked at Kingwood Center and it too much out of my budget to get married there
although it is the perfect outdoor venue.

Ive looked at venue places on here but they are all over an hour away.
I just want a beautiful outdoor place to get married at and have a reception there 
thats in the Bellville, Mansfield area. 

Re: Wedding Venue Dilemma

  • i would repost on your local board. <----------------------
  • You might have better luck posting in a local board since people will know the area better. But what about looking at area parks, farms or just open fields? My parents saw a field they wanted to get married in, figured out who owned the land and they let them have their wedding there! Then you can rent a tent and all that...
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