Outdoor Weddings

Rececption Seating help!!!

Is there a ediquette rule saying you HAVE to have place settings for the reception? Everyone in both of our families get along and (luckily!) there is no family drama or people who cant stand each other. So is it ok for us to have a sign saying to seat yourself during the dinner? I think we are all adults and we both want a very laid back wedding so I dont want our guests to feel like they have to stay seated somewhere and they cant be with who they want. Any advice??? Thanks!!

Re: Rececption Seating help!!!

  • No, you don't have to assign seats or even tables, but it is nice to do so.  It makes sure that an older person doesn't get stuck at the seat directly in front of the speakers and that families don't get separated across several tables.  Also, if you do open seating, you need the budget and space for several extra overflow tables because there will be people who pull up extra chairs and turn an 8 person table into a 10 so that they can all sit together.  To me, assigned tables is just an extra touch that shows you took your guests into consideration.
    The Bee Hive Est. June 30, 2007
    "So I sing a song of love, Julia"

    BFAR:We Defined Our Own Success!

  • I prefer assigned tables.  It makes it so much easier for the guest.
  • We are not having assigned seating. Everyone can seat themselves.  IF you do it this way though, make sure you have extra seats. You will end up with tables that are half full or have a couple of empty spots.  You need to make sure that you won't end up splitting up couples or families. Our venue can accomodate up to 180 and our guest list is about 140.  So, we will have plenty of seating.
  • mbaetembaete member
    100 Comments Second Anniversary
    I personally hate assigned seating. I dont want to be made to sit with certain individuals. just my preference.

    I was at my fiances cousins wedding and we were sat with the grooms cousins who we did not know and who were much younger than us.

    If you do assigned tables, please be considerate of where you sit your guests.
  • Not many instances for me....but this is one time I like to be told where to sit
  • I find it awkward. At my cousin's wedding, FI and I were seated with some of his old college friends whom we didn't know. They were several years older than we were, and we didn't have much to talk about. I would have much rather sat with the family I came with. I know they took into consideration that our table was a "younger" group compared to our families, but still awkward nonetheless.
    Wedding Countdown Ticker edited
  • I assigned seating at my first wedding, but I couldn't be there to put out all the little place cards.  I gave my chart (which had all the tables mapped out exactly as they'd been placed on the floor) along with all the cards to the people who were setting up the venue.  They assured me it would be taken care of.  

    Instead it was a giant cluster, and over half the place cards either weren't put out or were put out incorrectly.  Sooooo, essentially we didn't have a seating chart.  It worked out fine.  As did the wedding I went to a few weeks ago where there was no seating chart.  Don't stress!  If people get along, just let them sit where they want :)
  • Depends on the group and size, IMO. Under 100, I think seat yourself is fine. Over 100. I would suggest having a seating list. I only ever went to one wedding without assigned seating and I really wished they had it. If there is anyone on the guest list that you think might not have somewhere to sit, then do a seating chart.
  • Make it Quirky and Put a BRIDE's SIDE and GROOM"S SIDE sign.. lol ... most people just get up dance and sit at another table anywaKiss
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