Outdoor Weddings


I'm planning a 2014 wedding in Michigan what is the best mounth to have a out door wedding I don't want it to hot or cold

Re: Michigan

  • I grew up in Illinois,which is close. I would say May, June, or early September. 
    What did you think would happen if you walked up to a group of internet strangers and told them to get shoehorned by their lady doc?~StageManager14
  • Michigan weather can be hit or miss. I'd say May or June.

    I got married in MI on June 16th last year and it was in the middle of that big heat wave. It was 88 degrees at our 6 pm ceremony. It was cloudy though and windy and actually quite comfortable.  

    If you can get really specific I'd try early June.
    June 16, 2012
  • I live here, and I recommend June.  May can still be cold at times, especially nearer to the lake.  September can be lovely, but not guaranteed warm.  Although the weather the last two years has been unpredicable - last summer wasn' too bad at all in terms of hot temps. 

  • I've lived in Michigan 51 of my 57 years. An outdoor wedding is "iffy" regardless of the month you choose.

    Recent years, we've had very mild springs, sometimes as nice as summer. We got married on 8/27/11, and it was lovely, mid 80's, sunny. It rained the Saturday before and after our wedding, we considered ourselves VERY lucky.

    I'd say for temperatures, your best bet is late May to early July, then most of August. September can be great the entire month. I tend to recall that July is the hottest month, but lately it's been hot in August a few of the years.

    Regardless of too hot or too cold, you can't control the rain.

    If you are depending on the weather for your wedding, I'd highly recommend finding a venue with an indoor option in case of rain or inclement weather, or for sure, renting tents.
  • I live in Mi as well and I am also getting married in 2014. We want our ceremony outdoors so after the same debate you are having we just recently picked our date. June 14th.. I feel that it wont be too hot like a late summer wedding and it wont have such a high chance of rain such as spring or fall... 

    PS we can share that date if you like.. lol
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • I'm getting married on May 17, 2014 and I'm looking at an outdoor ceremony as well. May can sometimes be hit or miss, but generally the temperature is pretty nice. My only concern is rain, but unfortunately this date is kind of locked in now LOL. 

    It also depends where in Michigan you're having your wedding. Southern Michigan should be fine May or June as far as temperature, but northern Michigan can be cold still during May. If you're doing it anywhere north of the middle of the lower peninsula, I'd recommend going with June. Good luck and congrats!!
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