Outdoor Weddings

DJing own wedding...

We are having a small, intimate beach house wedding and we are just going to DJ our own wedding with our iPad/iPod. The only thing I'm trying to think of is how to MC the wedding. Who's going to annouce that the bride and groom are going to have their first dance, etc...? I don't want it to seem too unorganized and we don't want to 86 the dancing and stuff, but I'm running a mind blank on what to do here. Any ideas??

Re: DJing own wedding...

  • Is one of your wedding party good with a microphone?

    One wedding (that I attend) had a groomsman act as master of ceremonies while another had the bride's cousin act as a master of ceremonies.
  • Talk to a rental company in your area to see if you can rent some speakers and a microphone. Some companies will let you pick it up and set it up yourself, but if it is in your budget, I would have them come set it up for you so it is done right and you have some instruction. Our best man and officiant (a friend) did most of the announcing.
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