Retro and Vintage Weddings

Safety Issues--please read

As you may have noticed, we've got quite a few new retro and vintage knotties!  Welcome!

Our planning bio list is getting quite large, and I've been faithfully updating it with everyone's planning bios (for those who have them). 

I always click the link and check out everyone's bios to make sure everything works, and I'm starting to get concerned with some of the bios I'm seeing.  I'll get right to it.

I'd like to think that our Retro and Vintage boards are a very safe place, but in reality it is an open forum on the internet.  Therefore, it can be risky to include any personal information on your planning bio.  It has happened in the past on theknot (not on these boards thank goodness) where people have used information found on bios to call vendors and cancel portions of or entire weddings.  I'm not joking.  Because of this--and like most things available to the internet community--you should be careful which information you should and should not include.  The usual things to omit from your bios are....

Your and your FI's last names.
The exact location of your wedding. 
A list of vendors you've used so far.
Your own personal contact information (phone numbers, address, etc).

You can wait until after the wedding to post these things if you want to. 

Lastly, just to be extra safe, some girls contact their vendors and set up a codeword or password so that only they can discuss the wedding details with them.  This has also helped in the past with crazy family members who try to control the wedding. :P

As a side note, if you don't yet have a planning bio but want one, you can start a free wedding website right here on (from the main page you can find the link under planning tools) or you can use or  Those are the most popular free sites.

I'm not trying to scare you guys, I just want you to be internet smart!

Hei hei
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Re: Safety Issues--please read

  • For those who are interested, I've found it helpful to have TWO bios--one for my guests and one for the internet community.

    My wedding bio has personal information and is available only to my wedding guests.  I have omitted any planning information, because I want the wedding to be a surprise!

    My planning bio has no personal information, but LOTS of my wedding ideas and other details.  My wedding guests do not know about this site.

    Our Wedding Website
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  • Thanks for the reminder Nukke! I've been meaning to change my username for weeks but have been lazy. Your post gave me the nudge I needed. I'm surprised to hear that people would be so malicious as to cancel other bride's vendors. Thanks for the warning.
    Sunshine_zps3fcf529f BabyFruit Ticker
  • Wow. I never even thought of that. Thanks for the advice. Tomorrow I will definitely  set up a "code word"with all my peeps LOL. That is crazy to think about. 
    I'm glad you are looking out for us!!!!! :) 
  • I was having trouble with mine when I tried taking our last names off.  So instead I put an x for each of our names.  That seemed to work.  I know we are working with different websites, but maybe this will work for you too!
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  • NukkeNukke member
    Fifth Anniversary 1000 Comments
    [QUOTE]How do you change your username????
    Posted by bfroesch[/QUOTE]

    I'm sorry, but once you choose your knot username, it cannot be changed.  If there is a security issue, my suggestion is to start a new account with a new username.
    Our Wedding Website
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