Florida-South Florida


This week has been a productive planning week. Seeing the less than 6 months has really kicked my butt into gear! FI and I went 2 nights ago and picked out our tuxes at Mens' Warehouse. My dad even likes the tux choices...which I didn't think he would since they're so modern. There are PIB under Attire. I also went up to visit my mom yesterday and she's about halfway done with the muslin mock up of my dress. When she's done with it I'll post pics! We also finished my veil for the most part...we still have to trim it. I also finally decided on centerpieces...I'll post pics once we do the trial...but they're basically just white roses in short vases that we're going to make out of various kinds of foliage to make it look like they're actually growing. Thanks for letting me share!
BabyFetus Ticker

Re: Checks!

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