Florida-South Florida

Crystal Candelabra Centerpieces

After much debate and crunching numbers, I have decided to purchase the crystal candelabras for my centerpieces, rather than rent them from a vendor.  It's actually going to cost my more money up front, but I can resell them and hopefully recoup some of the money.Anyway, I'm going to be purchasing at least eight, maybe ten.  Since my wedding is not until next October, if anyone wants to rent them from me for their own wedding, please let me know. There are pictures in my bio under reception. These are the exact ones I will be purchasing.

Re: Crystal Candelabra Centerpieces

  • PinkShoesGalPinkShoesGal member
    edited December 2011
    Those are gorgeous, Shannon! You should have no problem renting and then reselling these.
    TTC since May 2011 "Natural" BFP 1/2/2012 with cp 1/5/2012 5/2012: SA and CD 3 bloodwork perfect 6/2012: Clomid + Trigger + TI = BFN 8/2012: HSG all clear. Clomid TI cycle canceled due to thin lining 9/2012: Lap and Hysteroscopy: mild endo, uterine fibroids and septum, and ovarian cyst all removed
  • melilovealexmelilovealex member
    First Comment
    edited December 2011
    I purchased the exact same ones!!! My floral vendor is actually buying them from me and giving me exactly what I paid for... Great investment.. They are incredible! :)
  • edited December 2011
    Great Meli! I can't wait to see pics!
  • edited December 2011
    Shannon! OMG I've been wanting these so bad but my florist doesn't have them. Can the hold a cp in the middle still or are they just for candles?Like this[img]http://s52.photobucket.com/albums/g39/titabm21/?action=view&current=TY6.jpg[/img]
  • edited December 2011
    Unfortunately no :( These are strictly for candles.  I'm trying to save money on florals, which is the reason for the centerpiece.  I know those are pretty expensive per piece.  Check trash to treasure.
  • edited December 2011
    Shannon those are gorgeous! I have the same question about the floral arrangement in the middle. I might be interested in renting them or purchasing some from the place you are getting them. Could you email me the info: Tiffany.Rousseau @ gmail.com Thanks!
  • edited December 2011
    Shannon- I might be interested in renting them from you. I would need 8. We are having 4 royal tables and 8 round. I have big floral centerpieces for the royal tables and smaller florals for the rounds but after looking at the pictures from the trial I'm not sure I like what we have for the round tables. Do you have the website where I can look at them up close?
  • edited December 2011
    Shannon, do you have any other pictures of them? I'm having a hard time seeing the picture in your bio. From what I can tell they are beautiful though! Can you email me at littlebit255.013 at gmail dot com? I just have a couple more questions for you about them! Thanks :)
    BabyFetus Ticker
  • edited December 2011
    Those are beautiful, do you have any more pictures. I'd be interested in renting them. could you send me an email of another picture in information on renting them to slsuch11@yahoo.com I'm trying to do the same thing you are and save on my budget by not having as much flowers
  • edited December 2011
    Looks awesome, S! I would surround it with a heavy amount of red rose petals and candles. Or maybe a small arrangement flanking the base to give the tables that pop of red. So romantic!
  • edited December 2011
    Ahhh love it! You can also add flowers at the base of the piece to add a pop of color!!!
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • minerva0416minerva0416 member
    edited December 2011
    love them!!
  • michy22michy22 member
    edited December 2011
    HI Shannon,   these are really nice, how much are you renting them for? or where are you buying them from? You can email me at michy22@gmail.com
    Michelle & Julio
  • edited December 2011
    Wow those are soooo elegant! It's going to look beautiful, good buy :)
  • edited December 2011
    Hello Ladies,Wow! I didn't expect such a response.  If you want more pictures, email me at mrsbigrayq @ gmail.com.The company that I plan on purchasing them from is gallery803.com. They are $149 each plus frieght shipping which I believe is 20%, so the total price for me each will be about $180 each. They have alot different ones available.  I had seen the picture that I posted and loved it and knew that this was what I wanted to do. I was also able to see one in person at one of the florist that I visited and loved it person. What I plan to do it have the candelabra in the center and then 4 small 4x4 arrangements at the base and possibly rose petals and votives. The good thing about this centerpiece too is that no pinspot is needed....BONUS!!!Anyway, I haven't given alot of thought about pricing.  I would want to be the person who sets them up and picks them up because they are fragile and I want them in good condition for my own wedding. Alot would also depend on where your wedding is and how many you would be renting, etc. etc.
  • atizonatizon member
    edited December 2011
    shannon they are beautiful. I love them.

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    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker image image
  • Steph&ByronSteph&Byron member
    edited December 2011
    Shannon what florist did you decide on? I didn't know you can buy materials for your centerpieces?
  • edited December 2011
    Haven't decided yet.  I am between 2.  My first choice rents them, so it's a matter of them taking it off my proposal and we provide them.  My second choice doesn't have them, so she already told me that it would not be a problem.I have a meeting with #1 on Thursday...fingers crossed.
  • edited December 2011
    Congratulations on the wedding! I have been searching all over south florida for those crystal candelabras. Please let me know if you'll have these candelabras by december 22nd I would love to rent them from you and have no problem with u setting up and taking them away at the end of the reception. I would be willing to rent all of them from you. Please email me at minnieme1222@gmail.com. Thanks a million
  • Do you still have the crystal candelabras? I am in need of some for my wedding in August 2013. Please contact me at odj2669verizon.net. Thanks
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