I want to get my FI a groom's cake for the wedding. I can't decide if I should get a World History themed cake or US Marine's cake. FI is currently a H.S. American and World History teacher. He served as a Marine for 10 years before he started to teach. (He's been teaching for 16 yrs now) He obviously identifies with both bec. his current career is teaching, but he LOVED his yrs as a Marine and always talks about how the experience changed his life. He feels that without the military, he wouldn't be the man he is today. So, both either would be great, but I'm kinda torn. Or I could go with something totally different like a family themed one because he is an awesome dad/family man, but I kinda want it to be all about him. Here are some pics that I have for inspiration. Anyone else doing a grooms cake?
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