Florida-South Florida

Opinions, and please help me proofread my invite....

My invites are DIY and I wasn't really sure what word to capitalize or whatever, can you please proofread it and let me know what you think. I am attaching a picture so you can see the finished product too, let me know if you have any suggestions..... I'm not sure if I should have all purple ink or the text black but our names in purple.

Also, I am not crazy about the print font, it is Georgia, let me know if you have any other suggestions.

It will have our full names, I just didn't want to post them here.....

  A wonderful day in our lives is drawing near…Jennifer L andEric H,
together with our parents,
invite you to join us as we begin our new lives together
on Saturday, the tenth of April two thousand ten
at half past eleven in the morning
The Rusty Pelican
3201 Rickenbacker Causeway,
Key Biscayne, Florida, 33149 
Lunch Reception to follow 

Re: Opinions, and please help me proofread my invite....

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    edited December 2011
    no zip code

    lowercase reception to follow
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    edited December 2011
    I like the idea of just your names in purple cuz you're the main attraction! Looks good for a DIY otherwise!!
    :: Lynette & PJ :: 1.22.11 :: For Sale ::
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    jennej24jennej24 member
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    edited December 2011
    Thanks mmedlicott, I made both of your changes. I went back and forth about the zip gode because it seems so useful if you are putting it in mapquest or a GPS, but I guess people can always look it up on our website, or even if you just put the Rusty Pelican in the GPd/mapquest it will probably come up.

    Lynette, I like it that way too, but FI and mom like all purple so I may be outvoted. I guess I will have to see wht looks best once all the cardstock comes in.
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    edited December 2011
    try trajan font and palatino lintotype. I like those for serif fonts
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
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    jennej24jennej24 member
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    edited December 2011
    Thanks Alissa, I like the Palatino Linotype much better!
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    atizonatizon member
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    edited December 2011

    agree with pp :)

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    Sweetcook82Sweetcook82 member
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    edited December 2011
    you make me nervous..I still have not worked on my invites..I REALLY need to start this week!!!

    btw I love purple!!

    - your venue and date twin :-)
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    jennej24jennej24 member
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    edited December 2011
    Janina, I think you will be fine, but you should get to work on them. Let me know if you need any help. I ordered samples from paperandmore.com and that helped me to figure out what I wanted.

    It is a little overwhelming at first, but once you get started it doesn't seem so bad (at least not yet), I may change my mind after assembling them all and tying all the ribbons.

    Also, they have some pretty nice kits at A.C. Moore, I would have done that but they didn't have anything in my color. They are fairly inexpensive and you can usually find 50% off coupons in the newspaper or online, Those would be real easy to do.
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    Sweetcook82Sweetcook82 member
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    edited December 2011
    Hey!...sorry Im so late! Thanks for responding :-)
    Im actually ordering everything on envelopme.com I already have the sample in my hand..Im doing a zfold card, kind of like Amy's...Ive just been so busy with the holidays that I hadnt had the time to sit down and do it. definitely getting started this week..eekk!!

    When are you sending yours out?
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    jennej24jennej24 member
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    edited December 2011
    I am even later, I didn't get on all weekend.

    I am not sure if you are following this and will see the reply, I am thinking of sending them the end of January? I put the RSVP date as 3/1 so that gives them over a month to get back to me, I think that should be enough.

    I never did a STD, so this weekend I sent out an email with the date and website, so everyone should know the date now.
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