Florida-South Florida

Majorly Updated Bio! + Weekend Plans?

Happy Friday all! 

Just finished updating our wedding site. I still want to do more though!
Go see, So see, Go seeeee. lol

What are everyone's plans this weekend??
I'm going to a show tomorrow night at Culture Room.(Cute is What We Aim For)

I just created a completely brand new website using weebly. lol
Go see again.. go see again! lol

Re: Majorly Updated Bio! + Weekend Plans?

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    edited December 2011
    Love your bio, and I cant wait to see your wedding at the mansion. The fg dresses you love, I actually purchased for my fg, really awesome quality and very adorable, the ivory is kinda dark, so u may opt for white.

    Weekend plans!!! Its my BDAY weekend!!!!
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    MariMac84MariMac84 member
    Combo Breaker First Anniversary First Comment
    edited December 2011
    Thank you <3 I'm so anxious about it all.  Gah!!

    Thanks for the FG dress tip :) and I hope you have a wonderful Birthday!!
    Woop Woop!!
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    edited December 2011

    Love the profile date twin lol...How much does ur make up lady cost? You looked beautiful in the pic and I saw her profile and liked the work...

    Other then that this weekend I plan to go to the gym and the pool (tanning if its a nice weekend like the say it will be) and stay the rest of the time home relaxing! :)

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    MariMac84MariMac84 member
    Combo Breaker First Anniversary First Comment
    edited December 2011
    Thank ya twinsie <3  Tanning sounds like a good plan, maybe i'll be lazy and do that on Sunday. lol

    She's charging the bridesmaids $60 for hair and $65 for make up. 
    $150 for my hair and airbrush make up.  (She worked with me on the price for my stuff)

    But me and you are getting married the same day! Yaneth is mine! all mine! lol
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    edited December 2011
    lol funny! Evelyn trying to steal your MUA and you being date twinz! Maybe Evelyn should ask Yaneth for recommendations of someone else who could do her makeup??

    Love the updated bio honey. Can't wait to see your dress. You need to get on that! :) Love the FG dress. Where are you getting it from??

    As to Weekend Plans... 
    1. Attacking Old Navy tomorrow for $1 Flip Flops for wedding favors for the women coming to my wedding. I only need like 50 pairs!  With a 5 pair per person limit and 3 people going... how many trips will that take??

    2. 2 Cake Tastings with FI & MOH. Publix and Elena with Piece of Cake. Yay! Can't wait.

    3. Playing with flowers with my MOH. We are making our bouoquets out of silk flowers and I can not wait!

    4. Sunday, MOH & I are going to the PGA National Spa to lounge around the pool and stuff. We went for my xmas present to her and it rained... so we got rainchecks to use their fancy schmancy pools at a later date. It will be so nice to just veg out with her.

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    MariMac84MariMac84 member
    Combo Breaker First Anniversary First Comment
    edited December 2011
    lol Thanks!

    The FG dress is from http://www.mygirldress.com/.

    I actually have my dress already ;) I've just never posted any pictures of it.
    I only have one pic of it on my phone (password protected) because I don't want Nagib to see it until our wedding day <3

    I got it at the "Running Of The Brides" sale at Filene's basement this past January. i wasn't even planning on getting a dress, just wanted to have fun trying them on for the first time. But FMIL found one that I could not leave without <3

    PS. I'm totally making another site on weebly.com just because I can add WAY  more pages. lol
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    edited December 2011
    hahahah sorry airhead moment I didnt think of that...true maybe she does know someone else... :) eitherway she does great work Ur going to look lovely!!!
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