Florida-South Florida

(sorry for double post!) sara lol

um, okay it's a long story. she didn't drop out, it's just understood that she removed herself. we were like totally BFF and she was my only really good friend in daytona. then she turned 21 and went crazy and got wasted every night. and we work in this giant plaza with restaurants and stores and whatever and she slept around the plaza and then went and started hooking up with chicks and it was nuts. and i was all like "hey lets hang out" and do stuff that wasn't drinking and having sex lol, like baking. and sewing flowers. and watching movies. and totally being a good friend and good influence. and then she was with this dude and they were doing it and she was STUPID and now she's pregnant. and lives with her parents. and doesn't want to be friends with me because i have a "perfect life" ... 

(this is me not being mad or bitter about losing my best friend)

Re: (sorry for double post!) sara lol

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    edited December 2011

    I feel so bad for people like that. Some people just can't grasp reality and see the consequences of their actions until its to late, ya know?

    I feel terrible for her. You're were a good friend and tried to help her out and get her mind off boys/drinking, and she just wasn't ready for that change.

    SCARY that she's having a kid.

    It's for the best...you know that, right? You don't need someone like that with crappy energy running around you on your wedding day.

    Can I fill her spot lol?
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    edited December 2011
    It's been a really rough 6 months with her, trying to get her back on the good side of things and she just pushed EVERYONE away. And I felt bad and I was a sucker and me and Jeff fought over it, and I was mad at work (we work together, mistake number one lol) and I sat down and had a huge talk about how sorry I was that I hadn't been a strong enough person to be there for her like she needed and all this stuff, totally broke down and her response was "okay. I'm gonna go get pizza. I'll see you later." ...... literally. verbatim. those were her words. so i was like YUP I'M DONE. It is sad. And it hurts my heart every day to see her like this. And when she wants to come around, I'll be here, but that will be long past the wedding lol. 

    And that was my final breaking point - I absolutely don't need that negative energy bringing down my life. I'm busy enough and things are hard enough without shiiiitty friends on top of it. 

    Do you wear a size 8? We already ordered shoes, haha. <3 
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    edited December 2011
    You are an amazing person just for saying that Taylor. Honestly....you are a wonderful friend and human being. Most people would write someone like that off, but you're waiting for her to come back to the good side lol. And when she does decide to come on back, you will be the support she needs.

    You're such a sweet person.

    No to the size 8 :( But my feet are size 8!!!
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    edited December 2011
    LOL i meant size 8 shoes. Those are the size we had ordered for her. But because I paid for them, she doesn't get them. And I hadn't given them to her yet. 

    But yeah. It's been a long hard road. And when I invest myself, I'm invested until you get to the point where it's like "no point beating a dead horse" .... lol, so ... Thanks for all the nice things you said. :) 


    I would never guess you wore a size 8 hahahaha. You're tiny!! 
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    edited December 2011
    Move to North Carolina....k?? I need more friends up here!!!!
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    edited December 2011
    Okay. Just need to put in my 2 weeks here ;) I WISH!!!!! 
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