Florida-South Florida

WEdding confessional booth Monday!

Any wedding secrets that no one knows about and you have been keeping under wraps?

share them with us!
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Re: WEdding confessional booth Monday!

  • Some one has been invited I don't care for if they do ANYTHING WRONG there out! It was "special request" and they have a bad reputation following them ... that is all I can say ...
  • I'm consiously trying to be the anti-bridezilla, and so far so good, but 'm SO anxious that people will be late or a cell phone will ring during the ceremony and I.will.lose.it. I just keep thinking about being all calm and blissful and nothing fazing me the day of, don't care that hair and makeup's running late or that I left my shoes at home, but then I'm waiting with my Dad to walk down the aisle and someone shows up late and walks in front of me. My heart starts racing, it's like a waking nightmare lol.
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