Florida-South Florida

OMG The cutest BM gift EVER!

I painted this ceramic piece last weekend at my MOH's bday party. We went to Go Van Gogh, an art studio in Abacoa (Jupiter) and I made this thinking I would use it as a BM gift for my neice... P.S. It was SOOO fun! And not that expensive!

Backstory, my mother raised my niece from birth until she was 7 when my mom was losing her battle with cancer and couldn't provide enough care for her... when my "good" sister adopted her. Needless to say, my niece took my mom's death as hard as I did. I being "the baby" of the family at 22.

My mom LOVED fairies. All kinds of fairies.. so I made this with my niece in mind. I think she will LOVE it and that I MADE IT FOR HER!

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