Florida-South Florida

Cant find guest book or Card Box!!

I havent been able to find a card box or guest book that I like.  I would dyi if I was any good at that stuff but I'm not.  Here my deal - I dont want white ones.  My linen is dark green and my BM's are in Fuschia.  All my flowers are Fuschia/purple/pink - On the table with the guest book and card box will be a silver and white memorial candle and a medium sized floral arrangement.  I dont want to do hot pink/fuscia anymore since we have so much of it already and everytime I say our wedding color is fuschia in front of FI he makes a face.  Any suggestions? what color could I get that wont clash with fuschia and isnt fuschia?

P.S. sorry for being a post hog - but I'm having an increadibly unproductive work day while planning my wedding!
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Re: Cant find guest book or Card Box!!

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