Florida-South Florida

NWR:: My lip is swollen!! lol

So I was at work today, and around 1pm, I felt something tingly on my top lip. I touched it and it felt a little swollen, so I checked in the mirror and yea... it was swollen.  lol  All I had today that was different from recent days, was a donut with chocolate frosting and sprinkles like, a few minutes before I noticed. I think my fear is coming true.

Last time I had a physical done, I also had allergy tests done. I was bobbing my head when the doc was reading off the allergies I knew I had, when all of a sudden... she said MILK!  ((dies))

Yup. She said I had a very mild allergy to milk. I told her i've never had a bad reaction. I LOVE MILK (especially cause of ice cream and sweet sweet chocolate) She told me to try and not consume too much, because one day, my body is going to react to it!

The donut is really the ONLY thing I can think of that was different. But it's still swollen as I type this (7:57pm)

Don't get me wrong, it's not CRaZy swollen! haha My top lip just looks a little... plumper? fuller? But it just feels weird!

Re: NWR:: My lip is swollen!! lol

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    edited December 2011
    Take advantage of your LUSCIOUS lips! LOL... hope the swelling goes down soon!!
    :: Lynette & PJ :: 1.22.11 :: For Sale ::
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    PattyJosePattyJose member
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    edited December 2011
    oh no! well at least it doesnt look bad at all. Lets just hope that it doesnt get worse. And make sure have nothing with milk before your wedding. lol.
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    edited December 2011
    Well Hello Angelina!! :-)  lol  Hope it gets better.
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    MariMac84MariMac84 member
    Combo Breaker First Anniversary First Comment
    edited December 2011
    lol it does look like i got some good lip injections!!!

    I'm just scared to have some milk just to test to see if that's what's causing it. lol
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    edited December 2011
    Mari, I get this ALOT.  Take Benadryl.  Other than that, I'd go for more tests.  I ended up in the hospital once with hives and a severe allergic reaction, they told me it was milk, even though I drank it my whole life... a few years later, I found out that was all crap, I wasn't really allergic to milk!!!

    Benadryl should help... and some Ice.

    Feel better!
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    MariMac84MariMac84 member
    Combo Breaker First Anniversary First Comment
    edited December 2011
    OK... lips are no longer sexy! My bottom lip is starting to swell also.
    My top lip also has a weird dark red color lining my mouth now.  =/

    I would post a pic, but I think that would be too much. lol

    I might leave work early and go to the doc. I haven't taken a benadryl, cause I didn't wanna be drowsy. And I really wanna know WTF is making my body do this =/
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    edited December 2011
    You look hot, bb. Angelina Jolie-esque.  Once, I had half of my bottom lip so swollen, I literally looked like one of those unfortunate people who have tumors on their lips.  :(  I woke up in the middle of the night and felt the tingly sensation and when I looked in the mirror I almost fainted.  Mine was probably due to a spider bite or something because it was just out of control. *shudder*. I remember waking up my ex-husband and he saw me and screamed like a little girl and said, "You look like a MONSTER!"  Very reassuring.
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    edited December 2011

    Try Claritin non drowsey..i get alot of allergies and it works for me...but if its still getting worse maybe its not something u ate (hopeing u didnt eat anything else dairy) have you changed your facewash...or lipstick or any cream you put on your face...my moms eyes once got so puffy she couldnt blink and it turned out to be her eye cream that one day she just got allergic too...(she always used it)...try not to use any products on your face it might help

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    MariMac84MariMac84 member
    Combo Breaker First Anniversary First Comment
    edited December 2011
    Just got back from the doctor's!  He said it looked like a chemical burn when he was examining me, and that it almost looked like the burn was reacting to the exact spots where my teeth touch the inside of my lips.

    So you know what I remembered? 
    Hand sanitizer!!

    I have a horrible habit of touching my mouth and nose a lot, and I probably did that yesterday. Maybe I touched my teeth.. i dunno, I don't remember. 

    He told me to take a benadryl anyways, so I did. I hope this goes away soon.
    Thanks for the well wishes girls!

    Leave it to me to get all this weird stuff. Remember the ingrown eyelash?! lol
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    edited December 2011
    Awe Marian feel better :o)
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    edited December 2011
    i hope you get better too.... maybe be careful with the toothpaste too it might irrate it.... :( glad its not the milk!!! LOL
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