
Local Florists and prices?

I am not having flowers on my tables I have really great candle centerpieces... so really all I need is bouquets and some decorative flowers for the church/reception hall.

Any suggestions, I would hate to spend a ton of money on flowers considering I don’t have much to spend.  haha :) 

A wedding is a party, not a performance. If at the end of the day you are married to the one you love, then everything went perfectly.

Re: Local Florists and prices?

  • jaclyn&davejaclyn&dave member
    edited December 2011
    We are using Lowes Green House in Chagrin Falls on Rt. 306


    For my bouquet, 3 BM bouquets, 1 toss, 1 mother's crosage, 2 boutineer's and flowers for the table and decorations for the ceremony it was less than 800.

    Good Luck!
    Wedding Countdown Ticker 174 Invitedimage 93 Ready to get partyimage 10 are missing outimage 71 taking their timeimage RSVP Date Sept. 24
  • edited December 2011
    We are using sunshine flowers in Parma heights. Great people, gorgeous arrangements. Great prices. For my bouquet, 4 bm, 9 bouts, 4 corsages, and a pom ball for flower girl cost me just under 650. No roses or orchids in them, tho. Great place. You should check them out! Good luck.
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • edited December 2011
    I thnk the cost of florists is outrageous, and I'm not that into florals. I am DIY'ing most of my flowers, including bouquets and centerpieces. I would only recommend doing-so if you are having very simple bouquets. If you keep it simple and order in season or inexpensive flowers, DIY can really save you $$. We are using all roses for BM's and calla lillys for myself and ordering from fiftyflowers.com.

    We are purchasing just a couple altar arrangements, as I am not comfortable attempting to DIY those. We haven't chosen a florist yet, so I'm no help there.  GL!
  • edited December 2011
    Heatherlily in Cleveland. THEY ARE THE BEST!!! We are using her for both centerpieces and personal flowers.
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