Florida-South Florida

Looking for Favors

Hi Ladies, 

Im looking for unique favors for my guests. I really cant find anything that I like. What did you girls use or are planning on giving away?

Re: Looking for Favors

  • We did ceramic ice cream bowls (b/c we love our ice cream and figured it can be useful :-) that are the color that my bridesmaids are wearing.

    Do you have a theme you're doing for the wedding?

    Image and video hosting by TinyPic Nov. SoFla Siggy -Fav. Registry Item- Kitchen Aid from my BP!
  • We went with Yankee Candles with our favorite scent "Autumn Leaves" and they are in burnt orange. 
  • I'm going for sunglasses! I can't help it - I am totally that girl who wears sunglasses regardless of the time/lighting situation. I love the idea of a picture with a lot of the guests wearing them. We are going to put out a cute sign like "The sun may go down but our love still burns bright!" 
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