California-Los Angeles

Major Vent

Is it just me being bridezilla or has anyone had this issue:

I have written about 50 emails to various vendors over the last 2 weeks.
8 vendors have gotten back to me! Really? That's it?
Do people not want my business? If they are booked I understand but can they not have the common courtesy to tell me that so I can cross them off my list?

Am I being paranoid or is this common? I hope this is just a fluke on my part or maybe they didn't get the email Undecided

Thanks for listening

Re: Major Vent

  • TysWife2BeTysWife2Be member
    2500 Comments Third Anniversary
    edited December 2011
    Same thing happened to me...

    If you are REALLY interested in the places, I would just pick up the phone and call...
    AAW June 2011 Siggy Challenge : "Daddy and Me"


    Wedding Planning Blog (Updated 10/18/10)

  • DodgersBrideDodgersBride member
    edited December 2011

    When I first started emailing and looking online the same thing happen to me. It could be that your wedding isn't until August 2012. When I first started looking a lot of places told me they couldn't give me prices because there was a possibility that prices would change.

  • edited December 2011
    Don't stress about it... just move on to the next. I had the same problem from several vendors (many of whom never returned phone calls OR emails). I'm not sure why but it def gave me VM complex and reduced me to tears because I thought I was saying something wrong (I was having a VERY bad day lol). Don't worry, some of the best vendors are those you have to really search for! Good luck!
  • edited December 2011
    I think it is very common. Even worse, I have had vendors completely drop the ball AFTER we speak and they are supposed to send me something or follow up and they just drop me like a hot potato. I have 5 months to go but generally I think this is a major turn-off. If I have to keep on someone multiple times to get me what I need it makes me wonder if they will follow through on the big day. I'd say keep your options open, don't set your hearts on anything specific and keep looking until you find a vendor you are comfortable with.

    Oh, and in the beginning, when I was disspoainted with vendors who didn't get back to me right away or didn't remember my details, I let them know I was annoyed and now I regret it because now I am going back to some of them for things and wish I didn't get on their bad side previously! LA is a big small town..
    BabyFruit Ticker
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