
Married ladies..

Those of you who married in Cuyahoga County--- how long did it take for you to get the marriage certificate? Just wondering when to expect it! I feel bad because we haven't cashed checks written to both of us yet because we don't have the paperwork.

Re: Married ladies..

  • edited December 2011
    Technically you need to get an official copy of your marriage license from the county. Takes about a week for them to file it (you can call their office and make sure it's on file). You can either go down in person or you can mail in a request (info on their site if I recall correctly). It costs $1 for every copy you want. The top half of the "license" your officant gives you may work in some instances (I saw a girl use that to change her driver's license) but that's not really a legal document. The county needs to verify that your officiant is registered with the state and then they put you in their system and you can get the "legal" copy of your license. I got my official license before I went to change my SS info becuase I didn't know how picky they were going to be. I've needed it for everything from changing bank info, financial stuff, even changing my name on frequent flyer accounts, etc. They should have your copy on file now. I would give them a call, ask them to look you up and then either put in a mail request or find 10 minutes to go down and pick up a copy. It's a pain, but it's better to have the official one in case anyone demands it.
  • edited December 2011
    The BMV said they've been taking the license, but the social security office (both in Akron and in Cleveland) said they needed the official marriage abstract. They would not accept the license.DH's bank (5th 3rd) needed the abstract and wouldn't accept the license. My bank (huntington) didn't need anything.
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