California-Los Angeles

Bridal shower games

Hi Girls,
What are your favorite games or activities to play/do at a bridal shower?  We played bingo, toilet paper wedding dresses, and how well do you know your groom.  What other games are fun to play? 

Re: Bridal shower games

  • Vans18Vans18 member
    Knottie Warrior 1000 Comments Combo Breaker
    edited December 2011
    How well you know the bride? Also having two teams dress up a girl from their team with TP like a bride, then the bride picks the best one and gets a prize! :P
  • edited December 2011
    I just threw my girlfriend's bridal shower, we only played two games. The first was the toilet paper dress game,. We had 17 people, and we did four groups of four, and the bride was the judge,and the group that won, all received a 10 dollar Starbucks gift card each. The second game we did was, how well does the bride know the groom. We asked the groom 20 questions, wrote them each on poster boards, and each question she got wrong, she had to put a piece of bubble gum in her mouth. That was very funny!
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