California-Los Angeles

HELP on Venues!!!

We have a budget of $10,000 and I was wondering if anyone knew of nice Venues located in the Los Angeles/Valencia/Burbank/Santa Clarita Area? My Fiance and I are going to be paying for our wedding so, we want to stick to our budget. I was thinking of a beach wedding but then if I do that I need to look for the reception to have the party! UGH!!! too many decisions :(

BabyFetus Ticker

Re: HELP on Venues!!!

  • joeymichjoeymich member
    edited December 2011

    We have a budget of $10,000 and I was wondering if anyone knew of nice Venues located in the Los Angeles/Valencia/Burbank/Santa Clarita Area? My Fiance and I are going to be paying for our wedding so, we want to stick to our budget. I was thinking of a beach wedding but then if I do that I need to look for the reception to have the party! UGH!!! too many decisions :(

    BabyFetus Ticker
  • 2dBride2dBride member
    2500 Comments Fourth Anniversary 5 Love Its Combo Breaker
    edited December 2011
    I would suggest asking this on your local board (link to the left).  Few on this board will know your local area.
  • joeymichjoeymich member
    edited December 2011
    ok, Thanks :)
    BabyFetus Ticker
  • edited December 2011
    Also, try and find newer places that aren't very well known. You can usually get a much better price since they haven't had a chance to make a name for themselves yet.
  • edited December 2011
    Got any friends or family with a nice house/yard that would "donate"?  my cousin did his at my parents' house and they had the same budget.  100 people, $10K
  • edited December 2011
    I was in your same boat a few months ago... Budget controls so much! I wanted  a casual yet classy wedding. i loved the beach idea and cost, but the main cost is in the reception. Most places around here were $$$. I tried UCI - University Club. I didn't end up booking there but the lady was awesome and very helpful to get a basic quote from and many people raved about her in reviews!

  • emailneelyemailneely member
    First Comment
    edited December 2011
    We're working with the same budget and are getting married at The Plaza at The Cabrillo Marina. They very DIY - just hand you the keys at 8am and you give them back at midnight. They have tables and chairs for 120 people.
    Check it out - it's beautiful and right on the marina!
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