Just Engaged and Proposals

Felt like sharing my story ^_^

Originally, FI had a plan to bring me up to Boston in December and bring me on a carriage ride and ask me then, but as you can see the date it happened wasn't in December :)We were laying in his bed at his house, just relaxing and talking about future plans. I knew he was having trouble purchasing the ring, because it had bothered him so much I got him to tell me what was the matter. Anyways, we were laying there and talking about the future, how it would be if we were married and if we had kids how they would be snuggling with us on the chilly night. He got really quiet and looked like he was having a tough time breathing. He started off,"Ally?" I was nervous out of my mind, as was he, so I told him to wait to ask me if he needed to. He just shook his head and kept on. "I know I don't have the ring yet but... Ally... will you marry me?"Needless to say my answer was yes :)

Re: Felt like sharing my story ^_^

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