Just Engaged and Proposals

Newly Engaged/Deployed Fiance

Hi everyone!!!  My name is Marissa.  I'm 20, and my fiance, Travis is 23.  We have been together 2 1/2 years, and proposed Christmas night!  :)
He's in the military, and will be deployed for a year, so I will be doing a lot of the wedding planning on my own.  Does anyone know of any books/websites on how to plan a wedding while your fiance is deployed?
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Re: Newly Engaged/Deployed Fiance

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    edited January 2010
    Congrats on your engagement! I don't know of any books but there's a Military Brides board under the Special Topic Wedding boards that might be helpful to you.

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    Hi Marissa! Congratulations and welcome!

    I'm newly engaged as well, just got my ring on Dec 22. Have fun planning!
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    I haven't seen anything separate for military brides.  Truthfully, it's going to be almost the same as planning if he was there.  Lean on friends/family for help or opinions if you need (want) to.  My FI has given his input on parts of the wedding, but I have by far done most of the planning and researching myself, since he works two jobs. 

    I actually did find the knot guide to weddings helpful, although they do push a bunch of crap too,- eg, BMs having special duties they have to fulfill.
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    My FI is not going to be deployed, but he will be stationed in FL and I live (and our wedding is) in Michigan. I have found lots of great info from the Military Newly Weds boards not just wedding info but advice on life with a military man!
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    Congrats!  My advice would be to sit down with your fiance prior to his deployment and talk about what you both want for the wedding - number of guests, particular churches or reception venues, degree of formality, etc..  Don't try to figure out every detail (he likely won't care about the color scheme or types of flowers), but just get a basic vision for the day.  And talk about your budget, since you can't do anything without one.

    Then ask how much involvement he WANTS to have.  If he has access to email or occasional phone calls, maybe save important decisions until after you've discussed it with him.  Odds are, though, once you establish a basic plan that you know you are both happy with, he really won't need to be involved every step along the way to have a wedding you'll both be happy with.  You can do it - plenty of grooms (deployed or not) do little more than show up for their weddings. :)  Good luck!
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    oh, I have been wondering the same thing! My fiance proposed to me on Christmas Eve 2010! I've been so excited about planning our wedding but he has been deployed all but about 10 days total that we have been engaged. I know I would probably plan just as much whether he is home or overseas, but I talk to him so rarely, I can't even ask him the basics! I'm going a little crazy! but you aren't alone girl! :)
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