Just Engaged and Proposals

Engaged baby!

woo! so excited. but where do i even start? i've been looking at wedding blogs for so long but i'm overwhelmed.
And how soon is it ok to throw an engagement party?

Re: Engaged baby!

  • Congrats! Yay!  I know how excited you are and you want to start planning right away.  I went out and bought bridal magazines the day after we got engaged!  Take a few weeks to think about when & where you want to get married.  Then start planning.  An engagement party was planned for us a little over 2 months after we got engaged.  Once we had a date and venue!  So happy for you! best of luck!
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  • Congrats and welcome.  You probably don't know this but it is extremely bad etiquette to throw your own engagement party.  If someone offers to throw you one great if not it's not necessary.  In a few weeks start making a first draft guest list and budget.
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  • Congrats on your engagement! First, it is bad form to throw your own e-party, and second, enjoy being engaged then slowly start thinking about budget, size, and venue.
    imageDaisypath Anniversary tickers
  • Congratulations! Start off by enjoying your engagement for a while. Don't throw your own engagement party. It's bad etiquette. However, if someone has offered to throw one for you, then that can happen whenever, just not too long after your engagement. It's the whole reason it's called an "engagement" party, hah.
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