Hi all, so my FI and I are starting to look at rings but he's insisting we'll need to save up for a big diamond. We come from very different backgrounds, he's from a rather reserved family and his mother only wears her engagement ring with her wedding band on special occasions and it has a HUGE diamond. In my family however you wear your wedding set everyday and so unless you plan on spending your whole life in the office you get a ring that works for your lifestyle. I'm a geologist and while I won't wear my diamond when I'm bashing rocks I spend weeks walking around mapping outdoors. I want a small diamond on a beautifull designed ring, absolutely no larger than a half carat.
We've talked about it before but I can't seem to get it through to him that I don't want a huge diamond on my finger, because I want to be able to wear my ring on a regular basis. Any suggestions to help him understand?