
For those planning on law school

A few times over the past year or so, I've tried to give brides an idea of what law school is like and why your FI has to completely understand what he or she is in for.  This letter was in today's Dear Abby:

DEAR ABBY: My boyfriend, "Louis," is retired. I'm in school studying law, which means heavy reading assignments, tons of projects and a tremendous amount of homework. It's like a full-time job.

At night when I should be studying, Louis gets upset if I don't knock off by 9 or 9:30. He also gets upset if I start before 9 in the morning. He has never asked me what I need from him to help me accomplish what I have to do. He also never asks what I'm doing in my classes without turning around and accusing me of doing the professor's job. This pattern is repeated several times a week, his blowing up because I don't spend more time with him and less on my studies.

Abby, this man insists he has never been so much in love, and that's why he wants to spend so much time with me. I think he should show his love by supporting me in challenging times. Your opinion? -- ROSE IN WASHINGTON

DEAR ROSE: Your boyfriend is self-centered. He's clearly less interested in your interests than in his own. Law school is challenging, even when a student doesn't have someone trying to sabotage her efforts -- which Louis appears to be doing morning and night. You have an important decision to make about your future, because your law degree is likely to last longer than your relationship with Louis, and that's what I think you should put first even if it means ending the "romance."

AKA GoodLuckBear14
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