

Hello! Just thought I might actually introduce myself somewhere on the board. I don't have much time online, but I find I like poking around from time to time.

I am not your typical student. I was married 8 years ago and planed my first wedding as a typical college student. However, that married ended one child and two years later.

I took a 3 year break from school and finally went back. In December 2008 I earned my Bachelors Degree  in business management and human resource management and in August 2009 started a Masters Program in busness management. So, currently I am smack dab in the middle of my Masters program, in fact my finals for the two classes I'm taking right now are the day before my May 1st wedding.

I also work about 50 hours a week and have an almost 7 year old son. His birthday is actually 2 days before the wedding. That is going to be one crazy week!

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