
Any education majors getting Praxis exam scores this weekend?

Surely I'm not the only one who had to take those horrible tests for their licensure. lol. At Ohio U, we're required to take them before we graduate. We don't have to pass to graduate, but we have to have scores submitted to the College of Education.

I took my first two Praxis exams last month on the 12th -- middle school language arts and middle school social studies. I take my last one on the 24th of this month, which is my 5-9 PLT.

ETC: My post title. I had a minor brain lapse, so I had to change it. Haha!

Re: Any education majors getting Praxis exam scores this weekend?

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    Yes I had to take those god awful and OVER PRICED tests too. Good luck on yours!
    I took mine a year ago and I hope I never have to take another one again (i.e. if I would  ever want to teach something else).
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    In Response to <a href="">Re: Anyone education majors getting Praxis exam scores this weekend?</a>:
    [QUOTE]Yes I had to take those god awful and OVER PRICED tests too. Good luck on yours! I took mine a year ago and I hope I never have to take another one again (i.e. if I would  ever want to teach something else).
    Posted by SCBojangles1138[/QUOTE]

    Hey, thanks for the good luck wishes! I appreciate it.

    Overpriced is right. I paid $320 to take two tests. *faint* I am pretty sure I passed my language arts test, but I think I failed social studies. So, that means I'll have to take it again if I want to teach social studies. Boo!
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    i have to take them too. I took Praxis I this year and i have to take Praxis II this coming year. I've heard scary things about Praxis II. :(
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    In Response to <a href="">Re: Any education majors getting Praxis exam scores this weekend?</a>:
    [QUOTE]i have to take them too. I took Praxis I this year and i have to take Praxis II this coming year. I've heard scary things about Praxis II. :(
    Posted by kedorsett[/QUOTE]<div>
    </div><div>I was lucky enough not to have to take the Praxis I. My ACT score was high enough for me to get into the COE, so I didn't have to take it. I've heard several people say it is harder than the ACT.

    <div>I have heard very mixed reviews about the Praxis II exams! I've heard that the 5-9 PLT is so easy, but then my student teaching supervisor said she heard it was hard. I heard the middle school social studies was hard, and it was least for me! The middle school language arts was a piece of cake for me, but I am very strong in language arts.</div></div><div>
    </div><div>Best of luck with your Praxis II exams! I think you will be fine. :)</div>
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    The Praxis I was super easy for me. No worries. But my friend who took at at the same time as me had to take it 3 times to pass it. And we get the same grades in class usually, so it depends on the person I suppose.

    I'm early childhood though, so my Praxis II is different.
    May 2012: April Signature Challenge: Wedding Venue
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    Ugh I hate those things!  Took the Praxis I last year and did very well...reminded me of the SATs, but easier.  I'm nervous about the Praxis IIs I have to take soon, though.  I have to take one in Elementary Ed Methods and one in Special Ed Methods.  I've heard they're a lot harder than the first one.  
    Don't stress yourself out too much though.  The worst that can happen is you have to retake it and pay that horrible fee again, but really it wouldn't be the end of the world.  It doesn't mean you can't ever teach!  Good luck though!!
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    I took the Praxis back in in April and passed the first time around! We have to pass the praxis before we student teach at my school. I am going back for the middle school history praxis in the fall. Goodluck!!
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    I took mine in April and passed the first time, but I'm SOOO not up for the Writing and Math ones that I have to take at a Sylvan. Urgh. Sucky!!
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    Education major at Coastal Carolina! Im about to take the praxis soon! Is it really hard like people say? Anyone know anything about pricing at Pine Lakes Country Club?? This is my dream wedding venue! Im getting married September 25, 2011!!! Any info would be great!
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