
May or may not be completely insane by the end of this week...

So I go to Oregon State, and I'm not in very many credits but this week is going to kill me.
I have a final tomorrow, or I should say 7:30 AM. And I get to commute, and pick up my friend first AND as you all know it was just DST so I'm super thrown off still.

I have been struggling with gastroparesis or ulcers or something the doctors can't figure out, that, as weird as it sounds, is worse in the evenings. Because of the intense nausea, I missed a TON of one evening class I had, and I have to call my teacher tomorrow (his request in response to my e-mails) which is making me really nervous...I did my final project and I know I could do the final but I have no idea if he's going to let me know...And the thought of failing the class kills me because I already paid so much to take it and I would've gone if I could but I was like, NOT physically capable of going anywhere.

I have one last final, which is actually a project presentation. It is Tuesday morning, at a reasonable hour. Thankfully, that's the end of my finals.

However, my sister is moving home next week and I have to have all of my stuff out by Saturday...even though my fiance's house is too small to contain it, and my parents' garage will swallow my belongings...So if I optimistically get my room emptied by Thursday, that leaves me Friday to plan and pack for my and my fiance's spring break road trip.
Which we leave for Saturday.


:( Anyone else having a tough finals week? Or amazing spring break plans that you want to share so I can daydream and ignore reality a while longer?

Re: May or may not be completely insane by the end of this week...

  • That sounds really rough  :(   Being sick in college SUCKS.  I was miserably ill with something that the doctors couldn't diagnose either and felt like I was going to die every day that I had to sit in class.  There isn't a lot of room for sick days during the college years.  You sound super stressed but you'll make it through and hopefully your professor will let you take the final exam.  Just do the countdown to the roadtrip.  Having something really special to look forward to always makes me get through a rough couple of days!!  Good luck with everything and let us know how the classes go!!!
  • I don't know your particular illness, but you should find out if there's some kind of support for 'disabled students' on campus - you'd be surprised, a lot of illnesses (including GI ones) count, and you have a group of advocates on your side who will work with you to extend deadlines, talk to profs who are being complete asshats, etc.  I found out too late that I could have done it in graduate school, but I know a few people who have had a lot of luck with it.
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  • Ugh, being sick in college sucks, I'm so sorry!  I hate to say this, but my experience has been that talking to my professors, even the ass-hat ones, was less stressful and more effective then dealing with the jerks at disability services.  I had a head injury and have days where my brain literally doesn't function, but apparently that shouldn't keep me from being on campus, doing homework, and/or taking exams.  I imagine that GI problems would lead to similarly frustrating "but that's not REALLY a disability" conversations, but I hope I'm wrong!

    The best is, just get well soon :-)
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