
Art History

Art History.....anyone....yeah....

Re: Art History

  • I have taken one art history class for a gen ed and it bored me to death...I had probably the worst professor ever.  But that's my only experience with art history.
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  • LOVE IT!

    I took a few art history courses as electives, and seriously enjoyed them. I really wanted to do a minor in Art history, but couldn't because of the timing of the required classes :(

    The courses are s much mreo enjoyable if you've seen the art you're studying :) After going to Italy, I REALLY enjoyed my Renaissance Art and Architecture course!
  • I knew a girl in college who was an art history major.  FI's ex, actually.  Does that count for something?
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  • I'm an Art History minor and I love it!  I'm not so great with the dates and all...but just learning about how art actually is a major part of history...I feel like I learned more history in my art history classes so far than in history classes!  It's like...illustrating history because each movement shows a sentiment in's fascinating.  :)

    On that note I have to agree with mixtapehearts who said it's better if you've seen it.  I go to school in Madrid, Spain and we go on field trips to the museums around here which are full of incredible pieces and it makes learning it much more fun and interesting.  Even if I didn't have the museums I think I would love studying it.  

    Are you studying it caseylynne?
  • I jsut started my masters program last semester and i love it...i have had some of the most awesome professors!!! i totally agree on the illustrating history aspect...i go to a decent sized school in northern california so i get to vist san fran occasionally and see the more modern stuff but i envy the chance to do it in Europe that would be so amazing i dont even know how to describe the end of the semester i have to pick a thesis and it is so difficult because there are so many different aspects to the field that i am interested in...
  • Wow! I bet that would be difficult choosing a thesis.  I doubt I could ever pick one thing to focus on, but that's why I'm not planning to do a masters..haha.  Sounds like great fun though!  Any idea what you want to work in after getting masters?

    That's cool that you are still able to see some of the modern stuff.  Really, what's great about Europe is that you get the "classics" but of course there are great artworks all around the world if you just know where to look!  :)
  • I LOVELOVELOVE Art History. But I am a Fine Arts major. I'm actually looking at Art History for grad school...
    All I can think of is how cool it is that some of these things are still around, but several hundred (or THOUSANDS) of years old.
    My favorite art history class so far has actually been my American art history class- I'll tell you what, Whistler was way a head of his time...and you can't tell that from just seeing 'Whistler's Mother'.
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  • well after the master will probably be the phd...i just have to...sigh...pick a topic...ugh...yeah it really is amazing to see some of these pieces...i havent got to take an american art history class yet...sad....but i have taken a lot of contemporary stuff too...and then there is medievel and mesoamerican and oh gosh i could go on forever!!! i love fine arts...i would love to take more but i hate the assignments for studio classes...i like a little freedom in my what i paint subject matter wise
  • NukkeNukke member
    Fifth Anniversary 1000 Comments
    I graduated with a BA in Art History, and I loved it!  My favourite area of study was the mediaeval period.  YEAH!

    Now I'm going to go back to school to study art conservation, and put all that book learnin' to practical use. 
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  • Love it. But I'm a theater design student, and I love painting so its right up my alley. 
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